What are the Sexual Lifestyles, Sexual Selection, and Conflict?

Sexual lifestyle takes a significant consideration in building the sexual relationship in recent days. It   also contributes in various ways in both male and female lives and survival.[1]  Sexual satisfaction associates with relationship commitments and sexual compatibility of adults.   The important questions arise before build relationship ‘What do I want to get from the sexual relationship?” and “what does my partner wants from this sexual relationship? It is important to understand that sexual attachment and pleasure facilitate the interpersonal relationship. The relational sexual expression is defined “as a manifestation of a multifaceted relationship of sharing and communicating. Intimacy is more than physical; it has to mean intrinsic to the experience and is a full sharing of oneself with another (Kelly & Freysinger, 2000)”. [2]

However, the sexual activities can lead to the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancy. Because of this, it is necessary to explore and identify the activities and sexual lifestyle which may become harmful for both partners. Positive relations associated with enjoyments of partners and negative sexual activities associate with the decreases of enjoyments and may lead to STD. [3] 

 What is Sexual Selection?

The selection process is an important factor in building the sexual relationship. There are several definitions of sexual selection. One of the widely accepted definitions is “sexual selection is the differences in reproduction that arise from variation among individuals in traits that affect success in competition over mates and fertilization” [4]  Sexual conflict have the negative effects on the healthy sexual relationship.

 What is Sexual Conflict?

Sexual conflict is s harmful part of the sexual relationship. Sexual conflict defines “conflicts of interest can arise whenever two genetically different individuals in interact “[5]   Sexual conflict lead to negative and harmful effects on sexual relationships. The healthy and strong relationships need to express the type of sexual lifestyle.  It makes easy to select best and suitable sexual partner.

 What is the Sexual lifestyle?

Sexual lifestyle is an individual model of sexual behavior, sexual activities, and orientation in the sexual context.  Every person has the different view about the sexual relationship.

 4 Major  Types  of Sexual Lifestyle

  • Pair bonder

Pair bounder is an adult who believes and committed on the single partner in the sexual relation. This is the positive, strong and reliable lifestyle in the sexual relation.  In the pair bond relationship both male and female express comfort sexual activities.  And they also get reproductive success.[6]   
  •  Recreator

Recreator is an adult who believes purely in physical and emotional enjoyment in the sexual relationship. The recreator has many partners in same time and he also doesn’t believe on essential sex attachment in the relationship.  [7]

  • Exploiter

Exploiter is an adult who Sees sex as a power game. When he gets somebody or something in somewhere he wants sex. He wants to take sexual benefit with another person without willing and the respects of their desires and feelings.  Sexual exploitation can be defined as “any actual or attempted abuse of a position of vulnerability, differential power, or trust, for sexual purposes, including, but not limited to, profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual use of another (UN Secretariat 2003), including the participation of a person in sex work, sexual servitude, forced marriage, or the production of pornographic materials”.[8]  This sexual lifestyle mostly has negative effects on victims and it leads to child Sexual abuse, rape, and sexual violence.

  • Tension Reducer

Tension reducer makes sexual relation only for reducing or releasing frustration. He doesn't make it in the normal way.   He uses sexual relationship to get love and for the reduce stress. [9]

 The important task of this article is to provide awareness of sexual lifestyle. It may help to select and build the suitable sexual relationship. Pair bonder is the best and saves relationship.  It is reported the “Overall, about half of the women (48.5%) and two-fifths of men (40.9%) selected ‘mar ried, with no other sex partners’ as their current ideal relationship”.[10]

[1] The Sex Information and Education Council of CanadaNovember 2013.
[2]M. Penhollow, PhD, Impact of Recreational Sex on Sexual Satisfaction and Leisure Satisfaction, Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 13, March 13, 2010, Department of Exercise Science and HealthPromotion Florida Atlantic University.
[3] The Interplay Between Sexual Satisfaction and Relationship Satisfaction, Prepared by SIECCAN (The Sex Information and Education Council of Canada.
[4] Andersson 1994, p. 31).( Hanna Kokko and Michael D. Jennions, The Relationship between Sexual Selection and exual Conflict, Published by Cold Spring HarborLaboratory Press, Universitaet Zuerich on February 3, 2015.
[5] Andersson 1994, p. 31).( Hanna Kokko and Michael D. Jennions, The Relationship between Sexual Selection and exual Conflict, Published by Cold Spring HarborLaboratory Press, Universitaet Zuerich on February 3, 2015.)
[6] Elisabeth A. Lloyd, Pre-Theoretical Assumptions in Evolutionary Explanations of Female Sexuality, apers Presented at the American Philosophical Association Pacific Division Meeting 1992 (Mar., 1993), pp. 139-153 Published by:  Springer.
[7]  M. Penhollow, PhD, Impact of Recreational Sex on Sexual Satisfaction and Leisure Satisfaction, Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, Volume 13, March 13, 2010, Department of Exercise Science and Health Promotion
Florida Atlantic University
[8] (Christine Ricardo and Gary Barker, Men, asculinities, Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Violence, A Literature Review and Call for Action,208)

[9] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth,  The America All ance for Health , Physical Educatin , Recreatinon and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[10]  Bob Erens, Sally McManus, Alison Prescott, Julia Field, National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles II , The study was approved by the University College Lo ndon and North Thames  Multi-centre Research Ethics Committees and all the Local Research Ethics Committees in Britain, April 2003.

What are the Sexual Lifestyles, Sexual Selection, and Conflict? What are the  Sexual Lifestyles, Sexual Selection, and Conflict? Reviewed by sexual Health center on 10:25:00 Rating: 5

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