What are the 20 Health Benefits of Sexual Activities

There are several positive physical, physiological and emotional health benefits of sexual activities .Studies and researches indicate the strong relationship between sexual activities and physical health.  It is well accepted that sexual activities have great positive effects on overall health and reduce the several risks of diseases. Sexual activity is a good exercise for the releasing of oxytocin and DHEA hormones which play a protective role against cancer and heart attack.[1] The benefits of sex always relate to the positive sexual activities along with positive sexual behavior.

  • Impact of sex on Longevity

There is the association between sexual intercourse and longevity. The sexual activities contribute positively to the health status  [2] which may contribute to longevity in human life. Daniel G. Amen, M.D says “that frequency of intercourse was a significant predictor of longevity. While the frequency of intercourse was not predictive of longevity for women, those who reported past enjoyment of intercourse had greater longevity. The studies indicate that sexual activities may be a preventive measure against the tow leading causes of death in the USA, Heart disease and cancer”. [3]

  •    What is the Positive Impact of Sexual Activities on Heart Disease

 The physical exercise and having sex lead to increase the capacity of blood vessels, improve the wall functions which help to provide oxygen for the muscle.  This function promotes the cardiovascular health. [4] One other study also indicates that having sex twice or more a week reduced the risk of serious heart attack by half.[5].
 There is clinical concern that sex can lead to the cardiac event for that patient who already has cardiovascular disease.  But the normal sexual actively have positive effects on heart functions,

  •  Sexual Activities Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer   

 Pregnancy and disclosure to sperm provide a protective effect against the breast cancer.  The research suggests that sexual expression, orgasm and arousal may lead to decrease the risk of cancer.[6]

  • Sexual Activities Reduce the Risk Prostate Cancer

It is reported that high ejaculation frequency was associated with the decreased risk of prostate cancer. The one of the research also indicates that three times ejaculating in a week throughout the life is associated with a 15-percent decrease in the risk of prostate cancer.[7] The early marriage and high frequency of ejaculation relate with the lover risk of prostate cancer.[8]

  •  How Sexual Activities help to good Sleep Order

Good sleep order is strongly related to the health status. Sexual activities help the people in better sleep (Ellison, 2000). Much practical  evidence  suggests  that sexual  activity followed  by  orgasm  has a  positive  impact  on  human sleep.  [9] The hormone oxytocin is released during sexual orgasm, play an important role to improve the sleep. [10]

  •  What are the Effects of Sexual Intercourse on Reproductive Health

The reproductive health is directly and indirectly influenced by sexual activities. It is also suggested that sexual activities promote hormone output. Reproductive health is called, the ability of men and women to produce healthy offspring.  The reproductive effectively increases with the occurrence of intercourse within 1 to 2 day in a week. [11]

  • Sexual Activity Improve the Immune System

Research shows that sexual activity and orgasm can boost the immune system in men and women.[12]  One of the studies proves that a person who has intercourse once or twice a week have IQA level 30% higher  than those don’t have intercourse.[13]  Moreover, the release of oxytocin during orgasm help to improve sleep and the good sleep helps to make stronger the immune system.[14]

  •  Sexual Intercourse Increase the Fertility

Sexual activities and Sexual impression help to improve fertility.[15]  It is also reported that sexual activities promote the hormones which play an important role in fertility. The sexual intercourse improves the quality of sperm.  It is also reported that frequent ejaculation has the positive impact on sperm concentration and motility.[16]

  • Impact of Sex on the Regulation of Menstrual Cycle

There is The relationship between the sexual activities and regulation of menstrual cycles. The women who have engaged in virginal intercourse have regular in the menstrual cycle.[17]

  •  The Relationship between Intercourse and Pregnancy

 The vaginal sexual intercourse 2 or 3 times in a week have a greater chance of pregnancy.[18]  Moreover, Sexual intercourse and sexual impression   during pregnancy has the positive effect on pregnancy and having sex during pregnancy does not have harmful for the fetus. [19]

  •  How Sexual Satisfaction Impact on Happier Martial Life

It is important to understand that the sexual satisfaction is one of the ultimate purposes of martial life.  The couples who get mutual sexual satisfaction and enjoyment in their relationship, they are living happier than others.[20]  The having  sex once or more in a  month relate with the increase  in  the  marital quality and lead to decrease  the negative marital quality.[21]

  •  Effect of Sexual Activities on Erectile Difficulties and Menopause

Sexual activities improve the erectile and maintain menopause.[22] It is reported that man sexual intercourse once a week can reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction.[23] 

  •   Sex and Muscle Relaxation

It is reported that the sexual intercourse has great effects on muscle relaxation.  

  • Impact of Sex on Emotional Health

It is fact that sexual activity has the great impact on emotional health. It also plays an important role in improving the quality of life and reducing stress and depression. 

  •  Sexual Activities Reduce the Depression

 Sexual expressing and intercourse play a key role in decreasing depression. Several studies indicate that the depression mostly associated with erectile dysfunction, the decrease in sexual activity and lack of sexual satisfaction.[24]

  •  Sex Reduce the Risk of Violence

There is the relationship between sexual pleasure and violence. Sexual pleasure helps to reduce the risk of violence. [25]

  •  How Sex Reduce the Stress

Sexual activities and orgasm associate with the decrease of stress.[26]   The exercise, orgasm, and intercourse help to reduce the stress hormone level.[27]   It is reported that “likely due to the surge in oxytocin that accompanies orgasm. For example, low levels of oxytocin are correlated with higher incidence of anxiety disorders. Further, increased levels of oxytocin have been shown to reduce stress and alter an individual’s response to stress”.[28]  Sexual Satisfaction not reduces stress but play a role in recovery from stress. [29]

  •    Sexual Activates Reduce the Blood Pressure

It is reported that blood pressure and stress levels were lower among the people who had vaginal intercourse.[30]  The sexual and emotional satisfaction lead to lower risks of hypertension  than those who were not physically or emotionally satisfied. [31] It is widely accepted that sexual activities linked with the reducing of blood pressure.[32] 

  •  Having Sex Increase the Self-Esteem Level

The latest study says   that positive sexual activities with a partner may lead to increase self-esteem and confidence level.

  •  Sexual Intercourse Promote the Social Health

 It is acknowledgeable that sexual expression and activities play a key role in pair bonding which is the essential and basic unit of societies and cultures. Sexuality promotes the health by increasing social integration and emotional support of each other in the sexual relationship.[33]

 The recent sexual studies mostly focus on the risks and danger of sexual activities such as sexual abuse, infections, dysfunctions and unwanted pregnancy. There is the need to promote the benefits of sexual activities including orgasm, intercourse, and positive sexual behavior. It is import to understand that there are several benefits of sexual activities which help to increase physical, psychological and emotional health and reduce the many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, blood pressure, depression, and anxiety etc.  

[1]Theresa m. Hornstein, Jeri Lynn Schwerin, Biology of Women, Belmar Cengage Learning, 313, USA p. 205.

[2] Palmore, E. (1982). “Predictors of the Longevity Difference: A Twenty-Five Year Follow-Up.” The Gerontologist, 22, 513–8.

[3] Daniel G. Amen, M.D., The Brain in Love: 12 Lessons to Enhance Your Love Life, Potter/TenSpeed, , 2009.

[4] Myers, Jonathan. 2003. “Exercise and Cardiovascular Health.” Circulation 107(1):e2–5.
[5] Theresa m. Hornstein, Jeri Lynn Schwerin, Biology of Women, Belmar Cengage Learning, 313, USA p. 205.
[6] The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression,Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc,  New York, NY 1001212-261-4779, 2003.
[7] The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression,Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc,  New York, NY 1001212-261-4779, 2003.
[8] Ahmed Fouad Kotb, Ahmad Beltagy, Asmaa Mohamed Ismail, Mohamed Mohie Hashad, Sexual activity and the risk of prostate cancer: Review article, DOI: 10.4081/aiua.2015.3.214.
[9] Kaplan HS , The New Sex Therapy, New York, 1974 .
[10] Theresa m. Hornstein, Jeri Lynn Schwerin, Biology of Women, Belmar Cengage Learning, 313, USA p. 205.
[11]  Optimizing natural fertility, Fertility and Sterility Vol. 90, Suppl 3, November 2008 Copyright ª2008 American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Published by Elsevier Inc.
[12] The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression,Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc,  New York, NY 1001212-261-4779, 2003.
[13] Charnetski, Carl J. & Francis X. Brennan. (2001). Feeling Good Is Good For You: How Pleasure Can Boost Your Immune
System and Lengthen Your Life. Emmaus, PA: RodalePress, Inc.
[14] Theresa m. Hornstein, Jeri Lynn Schwerin, Biology of Women, Belmar Cengage Learning, 313, USA p. 205.
[15] The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression,Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc,  New York, NY 1001212-261-4779, 2003.
[16] Levitas E, Lunenfeld E, Weiss N, Friger M, Har-Vardi I, Koifman A, et al. Relationship between the duration of sexual abstinence and semen quality: analysis of 9,489 semen samples. Fertil Steril 2005;83:1680–6
[17] Cutler, Winnifred B. (1991). Love Cycles: The Science of Intimacy. New York: Villard Books.
[18] Fertility Clinic Gynaecology Women and Children ’s Services Directorate of Operations
[19] von Sydow, Kirsten. (1999). “Sexuality During Pregnancy and After Childbirth: A Metacontent Analysis of 59 Studies.” Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 47(1), 27–49.
[20] Heinig, L. & A. Engfer. (1988). “Schwangerschaft und Partnerschaft [Pregnancy and Partnership].” Report Psychologie, 13, 56–9.
[21] Adena M. Galinsky and Linda J. Waite, Sexual Activity and Psychological Health As Mediators of the Relationship Between Physical Health and Marital Quality, Galinsky, A.M., & Waite, L.J. (2013). Sexual activity and psychological health as mediators of the relationship between physical health and marital quality. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences , 69(3)
, 482–492, doi:10.1093/geronb/gbt165. Advance Access publication January 27, 2014
[22] The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression,Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc,  New York, NY 1001212-261-4779, 2003.
[23])1, Binqun TIAN (田斌群)1#, Xinghuan WANG (王行)1 , Tongzu LIU (刘同族)1 , Jinbing BAI ()2, Impact of Frequency of Intercourse on Erectile Dysfunction:        A Cross-sectional Study in Wuhan, China, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
[24] Catania & White, 1982) Consensual sexual activity typically begins in adolescence and most research finds a positive correlation between teen sex and depressive symptoms (Rector et al. 2003; Hallfors etal. 2005.
[25] The Health Benefits of Sexual Expression,Planned Parenthood® Federation of America, Inc,  New York, NY 1001212-261-4779, 2003.
[26] Charnetski, Carl J. & Francis X. Brennan. (2001). Feeling Good Is Good For You: How Pleasure Can Boost Your Immune
System and Lengthen Your Life. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press, Inc.
[27] Hui Liu , Linda J. Waite , Shannon Shen   , and Donna H. Wang, Is Sex Good for Your Health? A National Study on Partnered Sexuality and  Cardiovascular Risk among  Older Men and Women, American Sociological Association 2016 DOI: 10.1177/0022146516661597.
[28] Weeks, David J. (2002). “Sex for the Mature Adult: Health, Self- Esteem and Countering Ageist Stereotypes.” Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 17(3), 231–40.
[29] Ein-Dor, Tsachi and Gilad Hirschberger. 2012. “Sexual Healing: Daily Diary Evidence That Sex Relieves Stress for Men and Women in Satisfying Relationships.” Journal of Social and Personal  Relationships 29(1):126–39.
[30] Brody, S. & T.H. Krüger. (2006). “The Post-Orgasmic Prolactin Increase Following Intercourse Is Greater than Following
Masturbation and Suggests Greater Satiety.” Biological Psychology, 71(3), 312–5.
[31] Hui Liu , Linda J. Waite , Shannon Shen   , and Donna H. Wang, Is Sex Good for Your Health? A National Study on Partnered Sexuality and  Cardiovascular Risk among  Older Men and Women, American Sociological Association 2016 DOI: 10.1177/0022146516661597
[32] Theresa m. Hornstein, Jeri Lynn Schwerin, Biology of Women, Belmar Cengage Learning, 313, USA p. 205.
[33] Burman, Bonnie and Gayla Margolin. 1992. “Analysis of the Association between Marital Relationships  and Health Problems: An Interactional Perspective.” Psychological Bulletin 112(1):39–63.

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