Sexual health is an essential part of the human’s general health and it strongly linked with longevity, happiness and well-being. It is necessary to know about sexual health terms and their definitions for the awareness of sexual health.
20 Sexual Health Terms (Topics), Definitions and Concepts
What is AIDS |
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is defined as a “disease caused by the HIV virus which damages the immune system. The fatal stage is sometimes called Full Blown AIDS or the disease AIDS”.[1]
What is Anal Sex |
Anal Sex is defined “when the penis or some other body part is used to touch or enter the anus of another person's body. A high-risk behavior for AIDS”.[2]
What is Asexuality |
Asexuality is defined as a “lack of, or absence of, sexual desire or excitement”.[3]
What is Child sexual abuse |
Child sexual abuse is “Typically includes unwanted and inappropriate sexual solicitation of, or exposure to, a child by an older person; genital touching or fondling; or penetration in terms of oral, anal or vaginal intercourse or attempted intercourse”. [4]
What is Climax (orgasm) |
The orgasm is defined “the culmination of sexual arousal and the promise of orgasm may provide primary motivation for individuals to engage in Sexual intercourse”.[5]
What is Contraception |
Contraception is defined as “the devices or drugs used for the prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse has accrued.[6]
What is Genitals |
Genitalia are the sexual organs of males and females such as the testicles , penis of a male and clitoris, vagina of a female.
What is Heterosexual |
A person who has sexual desire for persons of the opposite sex.
What is Homosexual |
Homosexual is called “a person is sexually attracted or has the sexual desire with the same sex (same-sex sexual relationships).”
What is Masturbation |
Masturbation is defined “touching or rubbing one’s own sex organs for pleasure.’[7]
What is Placenta |
The placenta is “the extracorporeal organ that interacts with the
endometrial to nourish and protect the fetus and that or-
Chest rates maternal adaptations to pregnancy.”[8]
The placenta “ essential for normal fetal development by providing adequate nutrients to allow appropriate growth and maturation of the
e fetus in preparation for birth, is also a ‘protective’ barrier in the sense that it prevents entry into the fetal circulation of substances that are either toxic, or that drive fetal growth at inappropriate rates.”[9]
What is Pregnant |
The Pregnant is “the term which describes the mother's Condition when a baby is growing inside her uterus. Pregnancy can occur by unprotected sexual intercourse or assist of reproductive technology. ”
What is Puberty |
The puberty is defined as “the sequence of events by which a child reaches sexual maturity with the development of secondary sexual characteristics and an associated growth spurt is called puberty.” [10]
What is Sexuality |
Sexuality is “the physical, mental, social, emotional and moral expression of being male or female”.[11]
What is Sexual interests |
Definition and measurement of sexual interest is” the exemplified by the greater occurrence of sexual thoughts, feelings, and behaviors involving the preferred person, object, or activity of interest[12]
What is Sexual Intercourse |
Sexual intercourse is defined as “the process by which the penis of the man is inserted into the vagina of the woman; the sexual joining of a male and female”.[13]
What is Sexual Satisfaction |
Sexual satisfaction is defined as” the affective response arising from one’s evaluation of his or her sexual relationship, including the perception that one’s sexual needs are being met, fulfilling one’s own and one’s partner’s expectations, and a positive evaluation of the overall sexual relationship.” [14]
What is sexual violence |
Sexual violence takes place when someone is forced or coerced into unwanted sexual activities Without consenting and agreeing.
What is STD |
STD is a “Sexually Transmitted Diseases (Venereal Disease) contagious diseases Communicated mainly by sexual intercourse and other sexual behaviors”.[15]
What is Oral Sex |
Oral Sex touching the mouth, lips or tongue to another's genitals.
oral sex is defined as “putting or touching mouth , tongue, and lips on a to another’s genitals.[16]
[1] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[2] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, P 67,The America All ance for Health , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[4] Edited by Majid Ezzati , Alan D. Lopez, Anthony Rodgers and Christopher J.L. Murray, Comparative Quantification of Health Risk, World Health Organization Geneva,2004, Chepter 23.
[5] Kim Wallen, Elisabeth A. Lloyd, Female sexual arousal: Genital anatomy and orgasm in intercourse, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA.
[6] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[7] Masturbation — From Stigma to Sexual Health ,Planned Parenthood Federation of America, INC. New York 2002.
[9] Hayley Dickinson, Bree A. O’Connell, David W. Walker and Karen M. Moritz, Sex-Specific Effects of Prenatal Glucocorticoids on Placental Development , ttp://
[10] Nikolai Manassiev The Wand Medical ,Female Reproductive Health, The Parthenon Publishing Group, NEW YORK,p 27.
[11] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[12] MEREDITH L. CHIVERS, A brief review, and discussion of sex differences in the specificity of sexual arousal, Sexual and Relationship TherapyVol 20, No. 4, November 2005.
[13] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , Physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[14] Brien K. Ashdown , Ph.D., Jana Hackathorn, Ph.D., Eddie M. Clark, Ph.D., In And out of the Edroom: Sexual Satisfaction, In the Marital Relationship, Journal of Integrated Social , 2011 2(1): 40-57. (Offman & Mattheson, 2005.
[15] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , Physical Education , Recreatinon and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
and Maura L. Gillison .Department of Epidemiol, Oral Sexual Behaviors Associated with Prevalent Oral Human Papillomavirus Infection, he Journal of Infectious Diseases 2009; 199:1263–9 © 2009 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved. 0022-1899/2009/19909-0005$15.00.
20 Sexual Health Terms, their Definitions, and Concepts
Reviewed by sexual Health center

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