8 Best Ways to Getting Sexual Satisfaction with Partner

Sexuality is the most challenging and important subject in modern societies. According to traditional paint of view, the power of male sexuality depends on powerful penis and ability to perfect intercourse performance. However, modern sexuality focuses on sexual satisfaction, pleasurable activities and positive sexual relationship. Sexual satisfaction including erotic or emotional satisfactions is the ultimate purpose of modern sexuality.

 What is sexual Satisfaction?

Sexual satisfaction is defined “as the effective response arising from one’s evaluation of his or her sexual relationship, including the perception that one’s sexual needs are being met, fulfilling one‟s own and one’s partner’s expectations, and a positive evaluation of the overall sexual relationship” (Offman & Mattheson, 2005).

The important question is, how to express your sexuality which improves the quality of life and relationship satisfaction. sexual behavior and satisfaction have the great impact on sexual satisfaction.

  •  Self- Confidence

 The self-confidence is the essential part for receiving pleasure. The spirit and essence of confidence are sharing pleasure with the partner. It is important to remember that confidence does not only relate to the sexual performance.

  • Don’t allow Shame, Anxiety, and Embarrassment

 These factors have the great impact on receiving sexual satisfaction. They also have the great negative effect on sexual pleasure. Inhabit from the behavior of the enjoyment of sexual activities.

  • Make Friendly and Healthy Relationship with Partner

Break down the rigid beliefs in which the man consider as   a domain personality in the sexually.  Both man and women have sexual desire and both of them want to get sexual satisfaction.  

  • Frequency of orgasm

 Orgasm positively associated with sexual satisfaction. The oral stimulation such as pornography, penile Penetration, and fantasies strongly associate with sexual satisfaction

  • Relationship Cooperation

 Sexual satisfaction requires cooperation in the relationship. Partners should resolve their conflicts and respect other’s feelings. One partner doesn't have to defend your thoughts and feelings strictly but invests your thoughts and feelings in a relationship. This kind of cooperation is a key factor to bring satisfaction on the bedroom.

  • Respect the other’ Sexual Emotions

 It is important to understand the emotional expression of partner. Keep in mind that relationship intimacy relates to the emotional support of each other,

  •  Behave with the Healthy and Positive Sexual Behaviors

 Positive sexual behaviors play a key role in the context of sexual satisfaction. Good looking dress, the good way of taking and appreciative way of communication help to get complete satisfaction. Be aware of body image and sexual health.  Negative sexual behavior is the enormous barrier to receiving complete pleasure.

  • Understanding of the Nature and Purposes of Sex:

It is important to understand that what is the purpose of sex or sexual activities?  Sometimes   sexual intercourse may lead to unwanted pregnancy and STD.

 Sexual satisfaction is the ultimate purpose of human sexuality and relationship. It also relates to the quality of life and happy family relationship. Sexual dissatisfaction may lead to divorce and create the huge problem in a relationship.  

Barry w. Mccarthy and Michael e. Metz ,Men’s Sexual Health Fitness for Satisfying Sex, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group,New YORK.

Brien K. Ashdown , Ph.D., Jana Hackathorn, Ph.D., Eddie M. Clark , Ph.D., N and out of The Bedroom: Sexual Satisfaction in the Marital Relationship, Journal of Integrated Social Sciences www.jiss.org , 2011 -2(1): 40-57.

Barrientos, J. E., & Paez, D. (2006). Psychosexual variables of sexual satisfaction in Chile. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 32, 351-368.doi:10.1080/00926230600834695.

Davidson, J. K. (1984). Autoeroticism, sexual satisfaction, and sexual adjustment among university females:  Past and current patterns.Deviant Behavior, 5, 121-140.

Offman, A., & Mattheson , K. (2005). Sexual compatibility and sexual functioning in intimate relationships. The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality , 14, 31-39.
8 Best Ways to Getting Sexual Satisfaction with Partner 8 Best Ways to Getting Sexual Satisfaction with Partner Reviewed by sexual Health center on 07:54:00 Rating: 5

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