What is Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia?
Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia is one of the major health issues in male infertility. Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) syndrome include three semen parameters oligozoospermia (low sperm count), asthenozoospermia (low sperm motility), and teratozoospermia (abnormal sperm morphology).[1]
The role of sperm cell in male fertility
According to WHO, sperm count and motility are important measures of male fertility and play the fundamental role in healthy pregnancy. It is also etiological reported that most causes of male infertility refer to defect in sperm parameters.
Major Causes of low Sperm Count , Motility and Morphology
There are several conditions that can negatively affect spermatogenesis and play a role to reduce sperm production and quality.
Effects of Obesity on Healthy Sperm Cell
There are several shreds of evidence that indicate male obesity negatively impacts on male fertility. It is reported that male obesity reduces sperm concentration and DNA integrity. It is important to mention that sperm DNA integrity plays an important part for successful progeny and Poor DNA integrity has negative effects on fertility.[2]
Association between Alcohols Consumption and Sperm Cell
Alcohol is associated with the decrease in the normal percentage of sperms.[3] It negatively affects on decreased libido, decreased sperm count and sperm morphology. [4]
Chlamydia Infection and Sperm Parameters
The role of chronic asymptomatic chlamydial infection is understandable in male infertility.
Chlamydia can affect sperm development and overall fertility. It is suggested that approximately 28-71% of infertile men have evidence of a chlamydial infection. [5]
Effects of Environmental Risk Factors on Sperm Cell
Current studies indicate that there is the association between environmental factors and sperm quality. [6] Environmental factors include such as various chemicals, heat, radiation, cigarette smoking and heavy metals. These above environmental factors can negatively affect spermatogenesis.[7] Heavy metal such as toxic has also negative effects on sperm quality and production (Steven Sinclair, ND, Lac, and Male Infertility: Nutritional and Environmental Considerations)
Dietary and Lifestyle Factors also Negatively Affect Sperm Cell
Heavy dietary contain hydrogenated oils, particularly cottonseed oil and high levels of the chemical gossypol which negatively affect spermatogenesis and sperm quality.[8]
Tthe impact of Cigarette Smoking on Health Sperm
Cigarette smoking has also linked with decreased sperm count. It can negative affect sperm motility and help to increase in abnormal sperm.[9]
Role of Reactive Oxygen on Sperm Parameters
Approximately 40 to 80% of male infertile patients have high levels of reactive oxygen species.[10]
The recent research indicates that high level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is one of the major causes which can damage different parts of the spermatozoa[11] including sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology DNA and RNA.[12]
In addition, spermatozoa produce the small amount of ROS, which is necessary for normal physiologic cell function such as capacitation, hyperactivation, and sperm-oocyte fusion .
Role of Sex Hormones in The Development of Sperm Cell
Hormones are one of the most important factors that positively or negatively affect the cell development. The sex hormones relate directly and indirectly to sperm parameters. It is important to know that change in the normal hormonal condition may negatively affect on sperm parameters. It is etiologically established that low testosterone level, elevated in FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (and luteinizing hormone) are the generally negative impact on sperm production and QAT.[13]
Androgens are the group of sex hormones that play an important role in the development of secondary sex characteristics. It also helps to initiation and maintenance of spermatogenesis.[14] Spermatogenesis relies closely on hormone regulation. Hormones are also important for male sexual and reproductive functions. The deficiency of Androgens has negative effects on sexual function as well as on the sperm parameters. The major androgen is testosterone which plays a key role in the development of male sexual functions.
Therefore, attention was focused on the androgen receptor (AR) as a possible cause of the impaired spermatogenesis in subjects with idiopathic male infertility.
Relationship between Testosterone and Sperm Parameters
Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the human body. It stimulates sperm production, man's sex drive and also helps to build muscle and bone mass. Testosterone plays an important role in supporting spermatogenesis. In the absence/ low level of testosterone and the absence of functional androgen receptors (AR), males are infertile because spermatogenesis rarely progresses beyond meiosis[15].
Role of FSH and LH in Sperm Quality and Quantity
The present study shows that the serum levels of FSH and LH are associated with sperm motility, morphology, and concentration[16] when these two hormones reach the high, this condition may lead to testicular failure.[17] If the semen levels of FSH and LH are lower than normal, the pituitary gland is not producing enough hormones which automatically negative effect on sperm parameters. [18]
It is established that FSH level is mostly elevated with low testosterone level. According to American Society for Reproductive Medicine, “FSH levels greater than twice the upper normal limit is a reliable indicator of spermatogenic failure”. (American Society for Reproductive Medicine and Society for Male Reproduction and Urology, 2008).[19]
Role of Inhibin B in Sperm Concentration
Inhibin B is also strongly associated with sperm concentration. According to study, there is a significant relation between FSH and Inhibin B with sperm parameters.[20] It is also reported that with the decreased level of Inhibin B, reduce the proportions of normal sperm.[21]
Treatment Options for Sperm Count and Motility
Hormone Pharmacotherapy for improving Sperm Count, Motility and Morphology
it is important to understand that there is a strong relationship between low testosterone level and infertility. It is indicated that “Low testosterone level clearly associated with low sexual desire and infertility”. Testosterone replacement therapy is one of the best ways to increase fertility. It also plays a role in the improvement of sperm quality and quantity. It is also reported that high-level LH and FSH also strongly associate with low testosterone level. A patient with low sperm count and motility must take a test of testosterone.
Medications and Therapies for Improving sperm count and motility
L- Carnitine plays an important role in sperm motility and also contributes in the successful maturation of sperm cell. Dietary supplementation of L-carnitine helps in improvement of sperm quality, quantity, and concentration.[22]
L-Carnitine actually protects sperm DNA and cell membranes from free radical-induced damage and apoptosis.[23] The major function of L-carnitine is to provide the energetic substrate for spermatogonia as it is necessary for transport of fatty acids to mitochondria.[24]
.L-Arginine consider as an antioxidant medication that plays an important role to enhance serum motility.[25] According to Schachter’s study in which arginine was given to 178 patients with low sperm count, seventy-four percent of the subjects had significant improvement in sperm count and motility after taking 4 g/day for three months.
Zinc plays a significant role in normal functioning of the reproductive health system. Zink deficiency may lead to poor sperm count, poor motility and alternately lead to infertility.[26] Moreover, zinc deficiency relates with low testosterone level and sperm count. It is important to remember that Zinc levels are generally lower in infertile men. Several studies proved that zinc therapy/ supplementation can improve sperm parameters such as low sperm counts, poor motility and may also help to improve the treatment of male infertility.[27]
Vitamin C`
It is established that low deficiency of vitamin C can lead to increased abnormal Sperm morphology, low sperm counts and reduces fertility.[28] It is important to understand that antioxidants are the major defense component against oxidative stress. Oxidative stress (it also described recently as reactive oxygen species) and anti-sperm antibodies (ASA) negatively affect on sperm functions including decrease sperm count and motility.[29] Vitamin C is one of the primary factors of the antioxidant system of the spermatozoa and also one of the major protectors against ROS AND LPO attacks.[30]
Vitamin C plays an important role in increasing sperm count, motility and also help to Increase DNA integrity. Vitamin C (non-enzymatic antioxidant) supplemented drug is also used in the treatment of sperm quality in an infertile male.
Vitamin E
It is well-documented that Vitamin E is one of the most important antioxidants which defends sperm parameters from the attack of ROS. It also protects spermatozoa against endogenous oxidative DNA damage and enhances the sperm performance in the hamster egg penetration assay.
Glutathione has demonstrated a positive effect on sperm motility and also play a role for sperm antioxidant defense and deficiency of Glutathione may defect sperm motility.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B 12 is an important vitamin which plays an essential part for proper function of sperm parameter especially for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. The deficiency of B12 associated with decreasing sperm count and motility. It is well established that vitamin B 12 have a great affect on increasing count and sperm concentration.
It is important to remember that there are various therapist methods and options which assist in reaching the possible solution for the successful treatment of sperm parameters. However, unfortunately, many drugs and therapies are presently used without any clinical test. The use of these unscientific therapies doesn’t have any beneficial impact on sperm parameters.
However, there are several effective and scientifically approved therapies, medication, supplements, and drugs which positive effects on sperm parameters without any dangerous side effects.
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All about Sperm Cell: Causes of Low Sperm Count, Low Motility and Morphology.
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