Symptoms of Child Sexual abuse

There are some important warning signs of CSA in children. Ii is the responsibility of parents/guardians and teachers to look carefully on their child behavioral change and activities. When these signs/symptoms will start to appear in their lives, it will be an alarming point of CSA.

20 Symptoms/ Signs of Child Sexual Abuse( CSA)

  1. Start to act unsuitable  sexual way.  He/she start sexual activities with children, toys, object etc
  2. Start to talk with sexually explicit language and information 
  3.  Start to increase  aggressive behavior such as anger
  4.  Sleep disorder
  5. Change in personality
  6.  Start to Increase insecure behaviors
  7. Eating disorder
  8. Lake of confidence that leads to fear in public and particular places or people and reduce the  usual social  activities
  9. Continue with usual social activities
  10. lack of concentration
  11. Becoming withdrawn or depressed
  12. Sexually transmitted diseases(STD)
  13. Isolation
  14. Feel  hesitation and shame in usual activities within relations
  15. Mostly become Anger
  16. Always feel insecurity
  17. Change in school routine and performance and lack of concentration
  18. Sexual transmitted diseases
  19. Vaginal and erectile problems
  20. Use of alcohol and drugs in early age 
When above symptoms appear in the child, the parent should pay attention to their child.  It is our duty to prevent children from child sexual abuse and provide them secure environment.

 The source book of this article, “The Seduction of Children, written by Christiane Sanderson  published  from Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Symptoms of Child Sexual abuse Symptoms of Child Sexual abuse Reviewed by sexual Health center on 18:52:00 Rating: 5

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