How can increase sperm account, motility, and Morphology
There are 8 natural nutritional elements (supplements) which have great effects on sperm parameters. These vitamins and nutrition have positive effects been shown on the development of Sertoli cells and Leydig cells, sperm motility, and semen quality.
Vitamin C
It is well documented that deficiency of vitamin C have negative effects on sperm parameters( sperm count, motility, morphology) and reduce fertility in the male. [1] It is important to understand that oxidative stress helps to decrease the sperm count and motility.[2] Vitamin C is one of the important factors of the antioxidant system for the spermatozoa. It is also considered as the major protectors against OS (oxidative stress) and LPO attacks.[3]
Vitamin C also plays an important role to increase the sperm production, motility and also Increase DNA integrity. Vitamin C (non-enzymatic antioxidant) supplemented, medications and drugs are also used for the improvement of sperm quality.
Vitamin E
It is well-established that Vitamin E is one of the most significant antioxidants which helps to defend sperm parameters from the attack of ROS. It also protects spermatozoa against the endogenous oxidative DNA damage. Vitamin E enhances the sperm quality in the hamster egg penetration assay.
Vitamin B 12
.Vitamin B 12 plays an essential role for the proper function of sperm parameter especially for the synthesis of RNA and DNA. The deficiency of vitamin B 12 relates with the decreasing of sperm count and quality. It is well documented that vitamin B 12 have the great impact on the enhancement of perm production and concentration.
L- Carnitine is an important supplement which significantly helps to increase sperm motility. It is reported that carnitine also contributes to the healthy production of sperm cells. Dietary supplementation of L-carnitine helps in the improvement of sperm parameters.[4]
Moreover, Carnitine protects the sperm DNA and cell membranes from free radical-induced damage and apoptosis.[5] The major role of L-carnitine is to provide the energetic substrate for spermatogenesis as it is required for transport of fatty acids to mitochondria.[6]
. Arginine is an antioxidant medication which helps to improve serum motility.[7] The study shows that arginine strongly relates to the improvement of sperm production (count) and motility after taking 4 g/day for three months.[8]
Zinc has great effects on the sperm functions as well as on the male reproductive system. It is reported that Zink deficiency can lead to poor sperm count and motility.[9] It is important to understand that Zinc levels are mostly lower in infertile men. Several studies show that zinc supplementation/ therapies can increase the healthy sperm production, and also improve the sperm motility.[10]
folate is an essential element for the development of germ cells.[11] It finds in various kinds of food, such as green-leaf vegetables,, fruits, liver.[12] It is reported that folic acid have positive impact in normal sperm maturation and quality along with zinc.[13]
Glutathione has the positive effect on sperm motility. It also considers as a sperm antioxidant defense. The deficiency of Glutathione may lead to low sperm motility.
Various studies indicated that sperm quality is enhanced by nutrition such as zinc, selenium, folate and vitamin supplementation. It is proved that nutrition is a major and valuable factor in the reproductive system. It strongly positive effects on the efficiency of sexual hormone production and the maturations of sperm cell including sperm motility and morphology.
[1] Dabrowski K, Ciereszko A. Ascorbic acid protects against male infertility in a teleost fish. Experientia 996;52:97-100.
[2] Mangoli E1, Pourentezari M1, Anvari M1, 2, Talebi AR*1, 2, Nahangi H1, The improvement of Sperm Parameters and Chromatin Quality by Vitamin C , Researcher 2012;4(11),
http://w ww.sciencepub.net/researcher.
[3] Mangoli E1, Pourentezari M1, Anvari M1, 2, Talebi AR*1, 2, Nahangi H1, The improvement of Sperm Parameters and Chromatin Quality by Vitamin C , Researcher 2012;4(11),
http://w ww.sciencepub.net/researcher
[4] ( H.J. Al-Daraji# & A.O. Tahir , Effect of L-carnitine supplementation on drake semen quality, South African Journal of Animal Science 2014
[5] John D. Meeker,* Linda Godfrey-Bailey, Relationships Between Serum Hormone Levels and Semen QualityAmong Men From an Infertility Clinic, Journal of Andrology, Vol. 28, No. 3, May/June 2007
[6] Menchini-febris GF, Canel D, Izzo PL, et al. Free L-carnitine in human seman: its variability in different andrilogic pathologies. Fertil Steril 1984; 42:263-267
[7] DAVID W. KELLER and KENNETH L. POLAKOSKI, L-Arginine Stimulation of Human Sperm Motility in vitro, Washington University School of Medicine,St. Louis, Missouri 63110.
[8] Yunsang Cheah, Wanxi Yang, Functions of essential nutrition for high quality spermatogenesis, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2011, 2, 182-197 doi:10.4236/abb.2011.24029 Published Online August 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/abb/.
[9] Mohammad Shoaib Khan,Rafat Ullah, Assad ullah , Mohammad Akram, Association of Blood Zinc with Reproductive Hormones & Seminal Cytology, Ann. Pak. Inst. Med. Sci. 2014; 10(3): 131-135.
[10] Madding CI, Jacob M, Ramsay VP, Sokol RZ. Serum and semen zinc levels in normozoospermic and oligozoospermic men. Ann Nutr Metab 1986;30:213-218.
[11] Ebisch, I.M., Peters, W.H., Thomas, C.M., Wetzels, A.M., Peer, P.G. and Steegers-Theunissen, R.P. (2006) Homo-cysteine, glutathione and related thiols affect fertility parameter's in the (sub)fertile couple. Human Reproduction, 21, 1725-1733. doi.org/10.1093/humrep/del081.
[12] Yunsang Cheah, Wanxi Yang, Functions of essential nutrition for high quality spermatogenesis, Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2011, 2, 182-197 doi:10.4236/abb.2011.24029 Published Online August 2011 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/abb/.
[13] Ebisch, I.M., Peters, W.H., Thomas, C.M., Wetzels, A.M., Peer, P.G. and Steegers-Theunissen, R.P. (2006) Homo-cysteine, glutathione and related thiols affect fertility parameters in the (sub)fertile couple. Human Reproduction, 21, 1725-1733. doi.org/10.1093/humrep/del081.
8 Nutritional Tips to Boost Sperm production and enhance the male fertility
Reviewed by sexual Health center

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