What is Lifestyle?
Lifestyle is a comprehensive term which includes personal behaviors, family life, weight, management, exercise, psychological matters, stress, smoking, recreational drug use, medication, alcohol, environmental disclosure, cloth choices etc.
How lifestyle affects on sexual health
Lifestyle is an important factor that can play a significant role to enhance overall well-being. Lifestyle contains multiple positive or negative effects on reproductive health in both men and women.

However, it is established that harmful environment, eating disorder or nutritional imbalance, stress and depression have various harmful effects on sexual heath and reproductive functions.
Tension and stress
Emotional and psychological stress always has significant negative effects on sexual health and overall health . The physiological stress has various negative impacts on the romantic relationships between partners, financial issues, mental health and heart functions. Consequently, all these issues have the great impact on the ability to perform sexual activities.
Anxiety strongly associated with tension and stress and both play and important role to reduce self-confidence and also negatively affect the capability of performing sex with the partner.
Smoking and Alcohol
Smoking and alcohol both play the negative role to create many health difficulties such as heart problems and sexual dysfunction. It is reported smoking is one of the causes of erectile dysfunction.
Impacts of diet and exercise
Healthy food and diet play the key role in improving sexual health. There are many vitamins and food supplements that help to enhancement of reproductive health in men and women. It is confirmed that fruits, vegetables as well as fiber, folate play the greater role in improving sexual power and semen quality.
Overweight (Obesity)
Overweight often relate with habits and numerous activities of men and women. It is well established that overweight can also affect on physiological functions. It also may lead to erectile problems. Lifestyle changes is an effective and reliable approach to losing weight .
Conclusion: It is important to understand that men’ health always remain under men’s own control. In face, the lifestyle change can reduce health problems as well as sexual problems. Individual should try to discover pleasurable movements with their partner/friend, family to overcome depression. It is important to know that healthy diet options, change in behavior, fashion, house decoration and good clothiers can change whole emotional and sexual life
What are the Effects of Lifestyle Change on sexual Functions
Reviewed by sexual Health center

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