It is important to know the functions of female sex organs. Female sexual problems refer to disorder or infection in female sex organs such as infertility, arousal problem and lack of sexual satisfaction.
Major Female Sex organs and their functions
The ovaries maintain the overall health of the female reproductive system. Ovaries secrete two hormones estrogen and progesterone[i]
The discharge of bloody tissue from the uterus if an egg cell was not fertilized.[v]
The canal leading from the uterus to the outside of the female body. The birth canal and female sex organ which receives the penis during sexual intercourse[vi]
Female sex cell. (Plural is ova)[ix]
is situated above the opening point of vaginal and an important mediator of sensory input for sexual arousal.[x]
Cervix or cervix uteri is the lower part of the uterus in the female. It is the pathway in which sperm enters the uterus after unprotected sexual intercourse. It also plays an important role to allow delivery at the end of pregnancy. [xi]
he urinary bladder is a hollow muscular organ that has two main purposes: to store urine and to void urine.[xii]
Two milk-producing organs which enlarge on the female's chest at puberty[xiii]
[i] R.J. Mapletoft1,4, G.A. Bó2, P.S. Baruselli, Control of ovarian function for assisted reproductive technologies in cattle, Anim. Reprod., v.6, n.1, p.114-124, Jan./Mar. 2009
[ii] Rajkumar Radder, Richard Shine, Germinal bed condition in a poly auto chronic single-clutched lizard,Bassiana dupery(Scincidae).
[iii] Le-Ming Shih, MD, Ph.D. ,Female Genital System, e website:
[iv] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[v] Nikolai Manassiev The Wand Medical ,Female Reproductive Health, p 27,The Parthenon Publishing Group, NEW YORK.
[vi] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[vii] Patricia J. Yang , Jonathan Pham, Jerome Choo , and David L. Hu, Duration of urination does not change with body size, Edited by David A. Weitz, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, and approved May 14, 2014 (received for review February 6, 2014)
[ix] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , physical Educating , Recreation, and Dance , Vergina , 1988.
[x] Van Anh T. Ginger and Claire C. Yang, Functional Anatomy of the Female Sex Organs.
[xi] Kristin M. Myers , Helen Feltovich, Edoardo Mazza, Joy Vink, Michael Bajka,Ronald J. Wapner, Timothy J. Hal, Michael House, The mechanical role of the cervix in pregnancy, journal,
[xii] Katherine Wilkinson, AbstrAct Wilkinson, K. (2009)A guide to assessing bladder function and ,urinary incontinence in older people .
[xiii] Linda A. Berne Pamela Wild. Teen Sexual Behavior A Leader’s Resource of Practical Strategies With Youth, The America All ance for Health , physical Education , Recreation and Dance , Vergina , 1988
What are the Female Sex Organs and How they Work
Reviewed by sexual Health center

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