What are the Benifites and Effects of Testosterone Level

What is Testosterone?

Age- related decline testicular function
Testosterone is a sex hormone that finds in men and women, but women have lower level than men.  Moreover, testosterone production begins to start   from puberty to approximately age 30.
How  the Age Factor affect on the Decline of Testosterone Level
When a man grows older, testosterone level automatically starts to decline. It is so important to know that from age 30 -35 testosterone level begin to decline.

  What is Male Perfect Testosterone Level

 It is accepted the perfect rang of testosterone level is from 300 to 800 ng/dL.  But it is important to remember that it depend on specific laboratory where the test will be taken. 

Benefits of High(Perfect) Testosterone Level

 Testosterone is not only a sex hormone but in involve in physiological, cardiovascular, mental and emotional functions. Therefore it has several benefits in our lives such as.

  •  Boost sexual desire /drive
  •  Good Sperm production,
  •   Production of the red cell properly
  •   Strength of muscle mass
  •   Control weight
  • High confidence level
  • Good metal health
  •  Good physical performance

Effects of Low Testosterone Level

Low testosterone level is the root of several sexual, physical and emotional problems. T. Hugh Jones says “there is accumulating evidence that testosterone deficiency is associated with a number of common medical conditions, they include cardiovascular, respiratory and renal disease, the metabolic syndrome and diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, autoimmune disease,and HIV infection”.[1]

 It si established that low testosterone level may be cause of the many diseases such as depression, erection problems, heart problems, blood pressure as well as it also become the cause of chronic diseases.

  • Association between Low Testosterone Level and Chronic Diseases

Some studies suggest the low testosterone level lead to cause of chronic diseases. T. Hugh Jones says “The clinical course of many chronic illness (e.g. those associated with HIV infecting, chronic obstructive lung disease, end- stage renal disease, congestive heart failure, untreated diabetes, and some types of cancer) is often complicated by loss of skeletal muscle mass, physical dysfunction, and a high prevalence of low testosterone levels”.[2] [3]

 There are many studies that show, low testosterone level may lead to chronic diseases. It is reported that “There is high frequency of low testosterone levels in chronic illness associated with poor disease outcomes and impaired muscle functions”.[4]

  •  Effect of Low Testosterone Level on Male Infertility

In general, Infertility is mostly related to low sperm counts and its modality. A common man, when he surfing with infertility, he goes to lab, takes the semen test. However, it is important to know that there is strong relationship between low testosterone level and infertility. It is indicated that “Low testosterone level clearly associated with low desire and lower overall sexual activity”.[5] Testosterone treatment is one of best way to increase fertility and play role to increase sexual desire.

  •     Decrease of Sex activity and Desire

It is well established that low testosterone level strongly affect of sexual drive and well- being. Testosterone is hormone which plays an important role to drive sexual activities.[6]

  •  Depression

 Low testosterone level also relate to depression. The studies has been suggested that Low level of T is May the cause depression. Testosterone has a antidepressant effect in men.[vii]

Symptoms of Low Testosterone Level

There are many signs of low testosterone level which have been observed with the physical, sexual and emotional changes. It is reported that Symptoms of low testosterone may include decreased in libido, infertility, decreased muscle mass and bone mineral density, mood changes and fatigability .The following symptoms appear it can be the case of low testosterone
  •   Erectile dysfunction or poor Erectile
  •     Decreased libido
  •     Decreased muscle power
  •      Bone density
  •     Infertility
  •   Alteration in body hair distribution,
  •     Overweight
  •     Low physical performance

These Symptoms indicate to low testosterone level in human body. Men with above symptoms should go to the doctor, sexologist and take simple blood test. 

[1] Deficiency in Men, Jones, T. Hugh, P 5, Oxford University press, New York.2008.
[2] Deficiency in Men, Jones, T. Hugh, P 5, Oxford University press, New York. 2008.
[4] Fertility Preservation in Male Cancer Patients, Edit by John P. Mulhall,P 416, SPringer Scince+ Business Media LLC, New York, 2003.

[5] Fertility Preservation in Male Cancer Patients, Edit by John P. Mulhall,P 446, SPringer Scince+ Business Media LLC, New York, 2003.
[6] Fertility Preservation in Male Cancer Patients, Edit by John P. Mulhall,P 446, SPringer Scince+ Business Media LLC, New York, 2003.
[vii] Achieving Health, Pleasure and, 1st World Congress for Sexual Health, Respect  April 15-19, 2007.


What are the Benifites and Effects of Testosterone Level What are the Benifites and  Effects of Testosterone Level Reviewed by sexual Health center on 09:21:00 Rating: 5

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