How Foods an Vitamins Increase Sexual Performance Naturally

 (Fruits and vegetables increase testosterone level and sexual health)

Foods are closely associated with quality of life and reproductive health of men and women. Good energetic food is not only influenced on well- being but it also has positive impact on gynecological disorder such as spermatogenesis and irregular menstruation. 
Eating healthy diet can help to maintain overall health. However, there are certain vitamins and foods that have greater positive impact on reproductive health.

Impact of Vitamins on Sexual and Reproductive Health

There is strong association between vitamins and sexual health. Vitamins play significant role to overcome sexual problems and improve sexual power.
Epidemiological studies show that diets high in fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer, and with increased longevity .(Keli et al 1996; Joshipura et al 1999; Voko et al 2003; Fung et al 2004)

Vitamin D

The association between vitamin D and erectile dysfunction has been also reported. Vitamin D help to reduce erectile problems, it may lead to positive change in sexual problems such as it restore sexual functions in some cases[1].  The role of Vitamin D also well recognized in recent time.[2]

Vitamin E

  Vitamin E is very powerful vitamin to improve sexual drive. According to Suleimen Vitamin E increase spermatozoa motility.

Vitamin C

 Both Vitamins C and E works together to enhance sexual drive.  

Impact of Foods on Sexual Health

The researches have been proved that diet, fruits and vegetables can help to improve and regain Physical, sexual and emotional health. These diets and foods include various types of vitamins which affect on reproductive health.
Men can restores their sexual health and increase testosterone levels by using fruits and vegetables that have been experienced for centuries.. There are many foods that can help to increase sexual power naturally. As women‘s good diets can affect her fertility, ovulation and allover health condition as well. [3]

Onion:  Onion belong to alliums family. Onions contains natural sugar, vitamins A, C and E potassium, iron and dietary fibre.  Moreover, 100 g onion contains 44 calories and 1.4 fibre. It is show that onion is one of the greatest aphrodisiac foods which helps to increase libido, sperm count, and testosterone levels and improve the sexual stamina.

Garlic: garlic helps in boost sexual drive. The heat in the garlic is one of the major parts which help to increase sexual power. It also contains illicit that helps in improving blood flow to the sexual organs.

Bananas: Banana has average of 105 calories and it is outstanding source of vitamins B which are essential for testosterone production. Banana is a potassium-rich fruit, can assist lower blood pressure, which play important role to boost sexual performance. . Bananas also contains the enzyme bromelain that help to increase libido. It also controls the secretion of serotonin which is the responsible for the euphoric feeling after intercourse.

Eggs: Egg contains vitamins B6 and B5, these vitamins help to balance hormone levels and struggle stress which leads to higher sex drive. Banana also decreases stress that often inhibits an erection.

This is established that Foods and vitamins play greater role to boost sexual health. They also have positive impact to boost sexual drive. Eating foods is the best way to increasing your sexual power naturally.

[1] Does vitamin D deficiency contribute to erectile dysfunction?, Marc B. Sorenson1,* and William B. Grant2, Dermato-Endocrinology 4:2, 128–136; April/May/June 2012; G 2012 Landes Bioscience
[2] The Role of Vitamin D in Reproductive Health—A Trojan Horse or the Golden Fleece?, Filip A. Dabrowski, Barbara Grzechocinska,* and Miroslaw Wielgos, Published online 2015 May 29. doi:  10.3390/nu7064139.
[3] Chavarro JE, Rich-Edwards JW, Rosner BA, Willett WC. Protein intake and ovulatory infertility. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008;198:210. e1,210.e7. [PMC free article] [PubMed]

How Foods an Vitamins Increase Sexual Performance Naturally  How Foods an Vitamins Increase Sexual Performance Naturally Reviewed by sexual Health center on 07:18:00 Rating: 5

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