What is Sexaual Health, Benifits and importance of Sexual Health in Human Life

What is sexual health?

Sexual health is an important aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, most of the people don’t pay their attention to sexual health. They think that sexual health only relates to enjoyment which is achieved during intercourse. They don’t discuss about   physical, emotional and psychological aspects of sexual health. 

Definition of Sexual Health

It is important to know what is sexual health? There are many studies which define sexual health in various ways, but only some important definitions are mentioned here for the understanding the boundaries and role of sexual health in our lives.

             According to WHO (World Health Organization) sexual health is the integration of the somatic, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of sexual being in ways that are positively enriching and that enhance personality.[1]

              Surgeon General David Satcher defines sexual health more comprehensive term. He says “sexuality is an integral part of human life. . . . Sexual health is inextricably bound to both physical and mental health. . . . Sexual health is not limited to the absence of disease or dysfunction, nor is its importance confined to just the reproductive years. It includes the ability to understand and weigh the risks, responsibilities, outcomes and impacts of sexual actions and to practice abstinence when appropriate. It includes freedom from sexual abuse and discrimination and the ability of individuals to integrate their sexuality into their lives, derive pleasure from it, and to reproduce if they so choose”. [2]

·            WHO revised the definition of Sexual Health as a state of physical, emotional, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.”(WHO, 2006,P.5)

 Finally, it is recognized that sexual health  is not limited to the prevent of sexual diseases, dysfunction but it is a multidimensional term which includes integration of Psychological, physical, societal, behavior, cultural, economical,   educational, and spiritual dimensions. It is our basic responsibly to learn and understand the benefits, risks, and responsibilities of sexual behavior. It should be kept in mind that men’s whole life depends on it.  

10 Effects of Sexual problem on human life

Sexual problems can negatively effects on social, psychological, and physical survival of human being.[3] It is important to understand that sexual health problems can effect on relationship discord and overall health of men and women such as:

  • Male and Female Dysfunction

  •          Low sexual desire

  •          Erectile problems

  •          Anxiety

  •         Depression

  •         Relationship discord

  •          Sleep disorder

  •         Low confidence level

  •         Eating Disorders

  •         Infertility

  •      Low Physical performance


10 Benefits of sexual health

Studies suggest that sexual health promote many mental, relational and physical benefits of our lives.[7]  Some important benefits of maintaining of sexual health are:

  •         Mental and physical Well- being
  •          Sexual satisfaction
  •          Emotional satisfaction
  •          Quality relationship between partner
  •             Increase relationship satisfaction     
  •          Good sleep order
  •            Healthy and happy life
  •          Increase fertility
  •          High confidence level 
  •          Control blood pressure

It is important to illustrate the importance, benefits of sexual health. It may help individual to pay more attention  for the maintenance and improvement of sexual health. Sexual health include  various factors such as physical, emotional and psychological factor.  it is individual responsibility to care his sexual health as well as overall health 


[1]  WHO, 1975, The role Human Sexuality in Health Programs section, ara.1.

[2]  The Surgeon General’s call to Action to Promote Sexual Health and Responsible Sexual Behavior, Publisher: Office of the Surgeon General, 2001 . Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in Human Sexuality by William J. Taverner, , p 4,  McGraw-Hill Education, 2005.

[3] surveyJ Epidemiol Community .Health 1999;53:144–148. 
[4] Petrie WM. Sexual effects of antidepressants and psychomotor stimulant drugs. Mod Probl Pharmacopsychiatry 1980;15:77–90.
[5] Ernst C, Foldenyi M, Angst J. The Zurich Study: XXI. Sexual dysfunctions and disturbances in young adults.  Data of a longitudinal epidemiological study. Eur Arch Psychiatry  Clin Neurosci 1993;243:179– .
[6] Sexuality: Sexual Health And Ageingm, McGraw-Hill Education (UK), Dec 1, 2004 – open university press, London.
[7] Sexuality Counseling: Theory, Research, and Practice, Christine Murray, Amber Pope, Ben Willis, Jan 13, 2016, SAGE Publications

What is Sexaual Health, Benifits and importance of Sexual Health in Human Life  What is Sexaual Health, Benifits and importance of Sexual Health in Human Life Reviewed by sexual Health center on 08:32:00 Rating: 5

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